Parade, “Ballet réaliste” (from the Orchestral version)
from: E. Satie (1866-1925)
At pitch. Originally in versions for orchestra and for piano four-hands. The orchestral version—which includes the opening chorale and an extra c. 105 bars toward the end—is the one mostly adhered to in this arrangement. However, those performance directions that are found uniquely in the four-hand version have been added—in brackets—in order to share the full panoply of Satie’s imagination vis-à-vis Parade. (It should also be noted that recent research has the ballet version ending eight bars sooner than the orchestral concert version.) There is an option for soprano recorder for the 1st 19 bars. Two pages of translations from the French are included. Note that the tempo throughout all the different musical genres of the ballet remains 76, though that refers to many different durational values. To quote Robert Cogan and Pozzi Escot: “Parade is without doubt the summing up of an entire rhythmic culture, and as such it is an astonishing masterpiece.” From: Sonic Design (1976) by Robert Cogan and Pozzi Escot, p. 276.
*Parade*, “Ballet réaliste” (from the Orchestral version)
7 pp.